IELTS Writing Practice: How to use AI to master IELTS essays

If you're looking for IELTS writing practice resources to help you get the highest scores possible on your exam, this post has the information you need.

First up, I want to tell you about two AI tools I built myself:

  1. AI IELTS Writing Trainer

  2. AI IELTS Writing Checker

I built both of these tools to help you practice and improve your IELTS essays using the power of AI, with students in mind who don't have access to private teachers or IELTS prep courses.

AI IELTS Writing Trainer

Writing an IELTS thesis statement

The AI IELTS Writing Trainer tool is an AI tool that teaches you how to write IELTS essays step-by-step, from your thesis statement to your conclusion.

It teaches you how to write a powerful thesis statement for any IELTS writing topic, completely from scratch.

You will receive individualized instruction for your specific topic and essay type, as well as guidelines for how to write and improve your own IELTS essay thesis statement.

First, you'll be asked to provide the topic of your essay. Then you'll receive detailed, personalized instructions for creating a thesis statement for that topic.

The AI will then walk you through multiple rounds of feedback and improvement, helping you create a well-defined thesis statement that will help you score highly on your Task Achievement criteria in the rest of your essay.

Creating an outline for your IELTS essays

Next, you can move on to creating an outline for your IELTS essay.

The tool will now guide you through how you can use your thesis statement to write the rest of your essay using an outline.

It will start with helping you come up with reasons to support your argument. Once you think of your supporting reasons, the tool will help you turn those reasons into topic sentences for the body paragraphs of your essay.

Step-by-step, you will learn and practice the academic writing techniques that are crucial to getting a high score on the IELTS academic writing test.

And every step of the way you'll get real-time feedback from the AI on the words you write and how you can improve them.

Just by following the instructions of the IELTS Writing Trainer, you will end up with a completed outline, and an almost complete essay, set up exactly the way it needs to be for you to get the high band score you deserve.

AI IELTS Writing Checker Tool

After you've finished writing your essay with the writing trainer, you can then move on to using the AI IELTS writing checker tool that I built to give you accurate scores and feedback on your IELTS essays.

Writing practice essays and taking practice tests are some of the best ways you can prepare for taking the IELTS exam.

But no matter how many writing practice tests you do, they won't be much help on test day if you don't get consistent feedback on your writing and learn where and how you need to improve.

Getting accurate feedback on your IELTS writing essays

By using my AI writing checker tool to prepare for your IELTS writing test, you'll give yourself high-quality feedback on each essay, that way you can know what you need to improve, whether it's your knowledge of how to write essays, your vocabulary, grammar, or maybe your general writing skills, before you write your next essay.

This helps you make consistent progress after each essay you write.

Which IELTS tasks will these tools help me with?

These tools will help you on task 1 and task 2 of your IELTS exam.

The process you learn in the writing trainer tool will not only help you with your IELTS essays, but on any academic essay you ever write.

And the writing checker tool can be used on both IELTS writing tasks, with an upcoming feature that allows the grader to see the image of the graph you're writing about.

More IELTS writing practice resources

Sample answers and sample essays

Want to look at some sample answers and essays written by previous IELTS students?

Have a look at this post where I've outlined all of the best resources for IELTS sample essays, sample questions, and sample answers that you can get access to for free across the internet.

IELTS Exam prep resources master list

On top of the links provided in the post above, I've also created an entire master list of IELTS prep resources that will help you prepare for all sections of the exam and get the scores you need.

And if you're interested in more information on the IELTS writing exam specifically, you can read a full explanation here of the IELTS writing exam, how it works, how it's scored, and what you need to learn before taking it.

IELTS academic word list flashcards

Oh, and I almost forgot. One of the best ways to improve your essays is to improve your vocabulary. If you want to improve your academic English vocabulary specifically for the IELTS writing exam, I've got you covered there!

With a large collection of flashcard sets for over 500 academic English vocabulary words you need for the IELTS exam, you can learn the meanings of all the words you need to know for your essays, as well as the other sections of the exam.

Preparing for your IELTS writing test

No matter how you choose to prepare for your IELTS exam, make sure you prepare! Dedicate some specific time in your schedule each week and make sure you're prepared when test day comes.

The best way to prevent test anxiety is to make sure you're prepared. Take practice tests, write practice essays, and watch your confidence build.

Last piece of advice, don't stress! This test is easy to learn, pass, and put behind you. Put in the work and then enjoy the results.

Best of luck!

Lucas Weaver

Lucas Weaver

Lucas Weaver is the founder of and the Weaver School. He's taught IELTS students from over 35 countries for the past 9 years.

He's passionate about using the latest learnings in neuroscience and education to create the best language learning experience possible for our students, so they can quickly build effective language learning habits that will last for years.

Lucas is a graduate of Texas A&M University and after 7 years of living in the Netherlands he is currently traveling through Southeast Asia while learning their languages along the way.

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