The only IELTS Writing course you’ll ever need

I’ve been teaching IELTS writing courses for nearly 8 years to students from all over the world. Through this experience, I’ve narrowed everything down to which parts of the IELTS writing test students struggle with most and what you will need to know to overcome those struggles.

After teaching IELTS courses to students in person at my own school, and then teaching many more students in one-to-one online private lessons, I’ve now combined all of the knowledge I’ve gained over the years into a fully comprehensive and complete online IELTS writing course full of video lessons that you can do at your own pace.

On top of the video lessons, you’ll also have worksheets, quizzes, and IELTS vocabulary word packs with digital flashcards included. While the course is independent study, you’ll have to complete all the content in each lesson before you can move on to the next. This will help you make sure you stay on track and stay disciplined in completing the homework exercises you need to actually learn the material and pass your IELTS writing exam, the obvious ultimate goal of any IELTS writing course.

Why take an IELTS writing course online?

Self-paced learning

Online is the only way to take a self-paced IELTS course. I’m not saying that self-paces is the only way to learn, but it is certainly becoming a more and more attractive option as people’s lives get busier. It also allows you to take all the time you need on each subject and lesson, going back over certain topics if you need more time to master it.

More control over your learning experience

You also have the benefit of pausing a video and rewinding it if you didn’t catch what the teacher said. Combine this with subtitles and attached PowerPoint PDF notes, and you start to see some features that in-person lessons just don’t offer.

Less required travel

In a post-COVID era where many more people are working online or from home, you also may not be traveling into the city every day if you don’t live there. Taking your IELTS writing course online then means you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home to prepare for your exam.

Instant grades and feedback on homework

Rather than having to wait on a teacher to grade your homework and then give them back to you in class, in our online IELTS course you will get the answers to your exercises and quizzes immediately. No more annoying waiting. 

Want instant feedback on your essays as well? I’ve just created an AI IELTS essay grader which will give you an estimated IELTS band score and feedback on how you can improve your essays. It’s not perfect, but it’s a valuable tool for you to use and I’m working on improving it every week.

If your exam is coming up soon and you need an extra level of intensity for your IELTS preparation, you can also book me by the hour as your private IELTS tutor and I’ll grade each one of your practice essays personally. I’ll give you a highly accurate projected IELTS score and feedback focusing on specifically why you got the score you got and how you can improve your writing skills and take your band score to the next level.

IELTS preparation for writing task 1 and writing task 2

Whether you need more help with the IELTS writing task 1 or writing task 2, I’ve got you covered with this course. I spend a bit more time on Task 2 in the course because it’s more challenging overall and it’s the section my past students have always struggled with more. But I made sure to cover 100% of what you need to know for Task 1 as well.

The IELTS exam was designed to make sure that people who want to live and work in English-speaking countries will be able to succeed and thrive in those countries. Your preparation may be challenging and time-consuming, but if you take your IELTS success seriously, you will certainly find that your hard work will pay off.

If you take my online IELTS writing course, you should have all the knowledge you need to get the score you need, no matter what score you need.

What to know before preparing for the IELTS writing test

As I said a bit earlier, the IELTS exam was created to ensure that people who want to live and work in English-speaking countries can succeed in jobs and university programs in those countries.

The British Council has no other intention apart from that (other than making money of course). The reason I’m telling you this is so that you won’t look at the IELTS exam as some form of punishment, or something negative you have to do. 

It’s actually your opportunity to use the IELTS test to show the examiners just how well you can use English, something you’ve most likely been working on for many years. So rather than viewing the IELTS test as something as some dark and evil thing you have to conquer, look at it instead as a type of game that you get to prepare for and then play.

I don’t necessarily mean to compare it to a game to make you try and have more fun with it, I mean it more as a test-taking strategy to look at it as a game in the sense of comparing your IELTS score to the score in a sports game.

The IELTS exam is your opportunity to score points in the game of speaking English, the examiner is your referee, and the band score is your scoreboard. Throughout this online course, I’ll be making this comparison, encouraging you to look at how many points you can score when writing your practice essays. 

In the end, I not only want you to write better essays, but I also want you to write better-scoring essays on the IELTS rubric. Therefore, I don’t just focus on teaching English, but rather on teaching you the specific parts of the IELTS test, what their scoring requirements are, and the useful test-taking strategies you can use to avoid common mistakes and score more points.

So to put everything I’ve just said in this section simply, shift your mindset from just “getting a certain score” to scoring as many points as you possibly can.

What other resources can you use to improve your IELTS writing skills?

You should read sample essays provided by the British Council, as well as from other reputable IELTS learning organizations, these will give you a good idea of how academic writing looks and how you can structure your essays to be similar. If you’re taking IELTS Academic, you should definitely start reading as many academic texts in your free time as possible.

You should also look at free model answers that have been provided online, as well as the corrections from the teachers. These will help you see the common mistakes of other students prior to you and what you can do to avoid making those same mistakes in the writing section of your exam.

And last but not least, you should certainly use the many free practice IELTS essay topics that are available online, and write as many of these practice essays as you can fit into your schedule. I already mentioned that you can use the AI resource that I created to help you get feedback on your essays, but you can also hire me to review your exams personally to get a more accurate score and personalized feedback.

You can see our entire list of IELTS preparation resources here.

Who this IELTS course is NOT for

I have had in the past where students come to me for IELTS lessons and their current English level is not high enough to actually benefit from my IELTS course. I can identify this within your first practice essay or lesson. 

This is common, and there’s nothing wrong with it! It just means that your English level is not high enough overall to pass the exam yet, and you would just be wasting your time and money using my course too soon. 

What you need in this situation is to take a general English course at an intermediate or beginner level to improve your English language skills to the point where you can actually learn academic English and the specific test-taking strategies required for the IELTS exam. 

Remember how I said the goal of the exam is to make sure you can succeed in an English-speaking country? If your English skills aren’t high enough, you won’t be able to do that. And honestly, you don’t have the command of the English language yet that’s required to pass the exam. Therefore you can’t focus on showing it to the examiners.

Is this course only for people doing the IELTS academic writing task?

It is indeed designed for and targeted to students who are taking the IELTS Academic version. The reason for that is that it’s the most commonly taken version of the test that students take, and it’s also the most difficult.

The good news is that if you take this course you will actually be well-prepared for the general test which is much better than being under-prepared. The only difference would be that the topics you’re given and the vocabulary you’re expected to use won’t be academic.

But the techniques and strategies will be largely the same for both, including the strategy for how to write the task 1 assignment.

The best way to prepare for your IELTS test

If you want to make sure you get the highest score possible on your IELTS writing test, this course is the best way for you to prepare to make that happen. But focusing in-depth on both writing sections, and the specific needs of the IELTS academic version, this course is engineered to help you score the most points possible in the writing section and your IELTS academic essays.

With all the information about the test you need to know, the most proven test-taking strategies, and specific templates you can follow to write your essays, you’ll be totally covered and ready to answer any written essay prompts that come your way.

Sign up today to start your course now, or send me an email at [email protected] if you have any questions about the course. 

Lucas Weaver

Lucas Weaver

Lucas Weaver is the founder of and the Weaver School. He's taught IELTS students from over 35 countries for the past 9 years.

He's passionate about using the latest learnings in neuroscience and education to create the best language learning experience possible for our students, so they can quickly build effective language learning habits that will last for years.

Lucas is a graduate of Texas A&M University and after 7 years of living in the Netherlands he is currently traveling through Southeast Asia while learning their languages along the way.

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